Heartbreaking? (No, worse)

This Heartbreakbreaking Photo Reveals a Troubling Reality.  A small estuary seahorse, Hippocampus kuda, drifts in the polluted waters near Sumbawa Besar, Sumbara Island, Indonesia. Photographer Justin Hofman‘s image of a seahorse swimming with a discarded cotton swab illustrates the issues of pollution in our oceans. (Source: NationalGeographic.com, Sept 19, 2017)

35 thoughts on “Heartbreaking? (No, worse)

  1. Lately, I shake my head in despair with such frequency, I think I’m developing a tic. Yet another reason…horrible. What the hell are we doing to the world, each other…
    Good morning, Dave…

    Liked by 2 people

      1. It doesnt say that in the Nat;l. Geo article. But the one I saw in the Atlantic last week includes the part about getting sick in the text.

        There is another image in Pics of the Week in The Atlantic from last week of people cleaning the shoreline of Manilla Bay. It looks like they are working the edge of a landfill. Horrible.
        Scroll down a few…

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