Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

Photographer Franco Banfi and a team of scuba divers were following a pod of sperm whales in Dominica Island when suddenly the large creatures became motionless and began to take a synchronized vertical rest. This strange sleeping position was first discovered only in 2008, when a team of biologists from the UK and Japan drifted into their own group of non-active sperm whales. After studying tagged whales the team learned this collective slumber occurs for approximately 7 percent of the animal’s life, in short increments of just 6-24 minutes.

You can see more of the Switzerland-based photographer’s underwater photography on his website and Instagram

Source: A Photographer Captures the Unusual Way Sperm Whales Sleep via, July 4, 2017)

Thank you Eric.

23 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

  1. It looks a bit like “circle the wagons.” In this formation each whale is on guard against danger for the group. They all are angled a bit towards the outside, from where danger might approach. Just a thought….

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