Saturday Morning

Bernard Toustrate wrote in the Forum Catholique, summarizing one degree of Sister Marie-Aimée’s “twelve degrees of silence” [Les Douze degrés du silence]: “If the tongue is mute, if the senses are calm, if the imagination, memory and creatures keep quiet and form a solitude, if not throughout the soul, then at least in the innermost part of it, then the heart will make only a few noises. Silence of one’s likes and dislikes, silence of desires insofar as they are too intense, silence of zeal insofar as it is indiscreet; silence of fervor insofar as it is exaggerated; silence to the point of sighing.

~ Cardinal Robert Sarah, excerpts from “The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise” (April, 2017).

Photo: Verwunschlicht

10 thoughts on “Saturday Morning

    1. Euripedes. Deep.

      and to counter with another from the Cardinal:

      35. Those who are unknown and remain silent are the real men. I am certain that great men rarely resort to facile speeches. They mark out a path by the eloquence of their silences and the austerity of their life… Likewise, it is magnificent to be noted for one’s silence. At the dawn of this new millennium, the silent ones are the persons most useful to society, because—creatures of silence and interiority—they live out the authentic dimension of man. The human soul does not express itself by words alone.

      ~ Cardinal Robert Sarah, “The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise” (Ignatius Press. April, 2017).

      Liked by 2 people

  1. This is beyond human 🙂
    “Silence of one’s likes and dislikes, silence of desires insofar as they are too intense, silence of zeal insofar as it is indiscreet; silence of fervor insofar as it is exaggerated.”

    Liked by 2 people

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