Zoned Out

There are the lucky few who zone out their windows and stare at brinks. The faraway intrigue of a forest— how it conspires— or the streaked lines of an ocean fringed by its horizon, or a city with more sky than scrapers, or even the informality of a backyard at dawn. But there are those— my friend and I— who can zone out, quite easily, to whatever’s right in front of us, no matter how unspectacular. A poorly painted wall. Its cracks. The ceiling fan’s chop. A woman on the C train pulling her ponytail through its tie, not once or twice, but six times. Six complete loops; her fingers closing into a claw each time. It’d been months since I’d been to a museum, but watching this woman mechanically tie her hair was softly enormous.

~ Durga Chew-Bose, from “Heart Museum” in Too Much and Not the Mood: Essays

Image: deryhana

28 thoughts on “Zoned Out

    1. Yes. So true. Your comment reminds me of:

      Even boredom should be described with gusto. How many things are happening on a day when nothing happens?”

      ~ Wislawa Szymborska, translated by Clare Cavanagh

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  1. I focus on all that is around me, allowing myself moments when I am caught almost hypnotized, by that which I see. But typically, it’s the things no one else would even notice.

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  2. I love all the comments found here and it got me to thinking… watching a bee bumble away between flowers is one amazing way to zone out…

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