No question looms larger

No question looms larger on a daily basis for many of us than

“What’s for lunch?”

and, when that has been resolved,

“What’s for dinner?”

~ Jim Harrison, A Really Big Lunch: Meditations on Food and Life from the Roving Gourmand


Photo: Easy Indian Masala Burgers @ yumi-food. (Masala Burger @ Trader Joe’s is a blend of seven different vegetables – potatoes, carrots, green beans, bell peppers, onions, corn and green peppers – with authentic Indian spices like coriander, cumin, red chili powder and turmeric.)

29 thoughts on “No question looms larger

  1. Some days I get so tired of thinking about food. My binge eating disorder spins food into a tornado of panic, urgency and exhaustion. I’m so grateful for the medication that dulls all that and allows it to slide, for a time, into background noise.

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  2. I gaze at the image of abundance and I think of your “Running With Pus” post and that image and the descriptions of the homeless people along your journey and I wonder if they will even have one square meal, today or tomorrow under the South Beach sun?
    Not meaning to be a drag, the photo just evoked a contrast between your posts…

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  3. and I think of all the effort it took to bring the food and spirit to that table ..for all of the hard work of many…it comes together in such a beautiful presentation bringing forth nourishment…, truly a blessing,to receive, a meal …

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  4. Yo. Chris and I have been talking about this lately while visiting a city for the first time together in a long while. So. Many. People. All eating 3 meals a day, all piling up the rubbish. Gosh, humans are wicked consumers.

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