Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

For all matters having to do with that four chambered, fist-shaped muscle we carry – that carries us – with constancy. That beats – did you know? – more than one hundred thousand times a day. Imagine that. Even when we’re pressing snooze and rolling over in bed, folding ourselves into our covers and postponing the day’s bubbling over, and soon after notching cold butter on warm toast, or later coming to a halt as we bound up a flight of subway stairs only to stall behind an elderly woman whose left leg trails behind her right leg – one leaden step at a time – even then, when time decelerates and the relative importance of our lives, of our hurry, undergoes a sudden audit, even then, our heart never stops…My heart continues as ever, pulsing towards its daily quota. More than one hundred thousand times a day. Eighty beats per minute.

~ Durga Chew-Bose, from “Heart Museum” in Too Much and Not the Mood: Essays

Photo: Durga Chew-Bose @ Twitter

26 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

    1. Despite these bouts of wonder and alarm, when my heart races, dimples, is weary and deflates, it never exhausts. How is that possible? How does it maintain? Stays going. On and on. It’s percussive. It refuses to emote with me because its uniformly at it…How it pumps blood, carries blood, effects that lub-dub sound.

      ~ Durga Chew-Bose, from “Heart Museum” in Too Much and Not the Mood: Essays

      Liked by 2 people

  1. It is a wondrous piece of equipment. When it falters, but picks up again, one is given the opportunity to realise the work it does. When it stops suddenly, the silence is more than intense and yet the reverb will be felt long and wide (if we used it well while living)

    Liked by 2 people

          1. Thanks, David. It is one of life’s curve balls. But I, and my boys, are doing well and living our new reality. Makes you appreciate what you have!

            Liked by 1 person

          2. I like that. Positive juju!
            I hope they think so… hard to tell. Teenagers. Boys, to boot. Not exactly the most demonstrative, if you know what I mean!

            Liked by 1 person

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