The temperature rises, the pressure builds, and then…(85 sec)

23 thoughts on “The temperature rises, the pressure builds, and then…(85 sec)

    1. Who? Here + Popcorn:

      And I’d love to have a home, some place to keep my winter coat and my books and to read in bed in. Christ how I’d love that. My own home; quite quite alone; with no one else in it.

      ~ Martha Gellhorn, in a letter to Campbell Beckett, from Selected Letters of Martha Gellhorn

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I was referring to the elections tomorrow night.
        We are the corn that’ll be popped. We’ll see if Hillary or Trump will eat it.

        Sorry I’m tarnishing your Beautiful blog with these two names. So sorry.

        Liked by 1 person

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