Saturday Morning


Complete relaxing never happened all at once. I found that it was a matter of at least five or ten minutes before the body would reach a profound repose. So I made a rule for myself, that as long as I felt an impulse to get up or turn over, then I had not lain long enough, but as soon as I felt I had never wanted to move again, then it was all right to get up at once. But I usually did not, I lay still for a little longer, lay still, while all the cells of my body came alive, like parched earth after rain. And then I discovered the most fitting end to my rest – a long cat-like stretch, which leaves one so at peace with the world, smooth and shining like wet sands, that it is worth indulging in deliberately, even when not prompted by a natural impulse.

~ Marion Milner, A Life of One’s Own (First Published, 1934)



17 thoughts on “Saturday Morning

  1. Few things better than waking from a sound night’s sleep and then having a good stretch at rising. I watch the dogs every morning..they hop off the bed and then do this long, luxurious ‘down dog’ yoga pose, yawn and commence with the day. Perfect.

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