Saturday Morning


Let the eye enlarge
with all it beholds.

I want to celebrate color,
how one red leaf flickers
like a match held to a dry branch,
and the whole world goes up
in orange and gold.

~ Linda Pastan, from “Autumn” in Carnival Evening, New & Selected Poems 1968-1998


Notes: Poem Source: Thank you Beth @ Alive on All Channels. Photo: via The Sensual Starfish




18 thoughts on “Saturday Morning

  1. ‘Rise and bid me strike a match and strike another till time catch’ quote from Yeats came to mind after reading this beautiful piece. Something about matches makes me feel hopeful, albeit the small light it gives – it holds a bigger appeal to me than fire. just as autumn holds a bigger appeal to me than summer heat

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beautiful. A match strike does evoke hope, light…

      Your thought reminds me of another snippet that moved me this morning:

      The whisper of autumn in the maples
Was pleading: “Die with me…”

      — Anna Akhmatova, from The Song of the Last Meeting

      Liked by 1 person

      1. “Ohhh…” I literally cooed aloud after reading the “die with me…” line. Such wistfulness and such sadness blended together… I’ve yust stayed in all day because a very strong typhoon hit Hong Kong. Your reminder just made my day after being a hermit since waking up.

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