So fresh, so fleeting


Dew evaporates
And all our world is dew…so dear,
So fresh, so fleeting.

~ Issa, 1763 – 1828, on the death of his child



17 thoughts on “So fresh, so fleeting

  1. To live in the present, without regretting what is past or pining for what is to come. Enjoying the present moment before it is gone. Your steady drumbeat of posts inspires DK. I’ve dubbed today a ‘mindfulness’ day…gonna try to notice the joy/wonder/simple elegance in every encounter. It’s on! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Makes me think I should get back to my mini journal where I put a short note of what was special about each day. Even the smallest things would qualify. When I read back I was surprised at all the beautiful things that I’d noticed.

    Liked by 1 person

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