What is the most important thing that happened yesterday?’


Eternity’s Sunrise explores Marion Milner’s way of keeping a diary. Recording small private moments, she builds up a store of ‘bead memories’. A carved duck, a sprig of asphodel, moments captured in her travels in Greece, Kashmir and Israel, circus clowns, a painting – each makes up a ‘bead’ that has a warmth or glow which comes in response to asking the simple question: What is the most important thing that happened yesterday?’

~ Introduction to Marion Milner‘s, Eternity’s Sunrise: A Way of Keeping a Diary



12 thoughts on “What is the most important thing that happened yesterday?’

  1. Ooo, I love this idea. My journal entries are mostly a brain dump, a way to jettison the babble so that a little Light can get in. And lately I’ve been working in my art journal on nothing but gratitude.

    I will keep this idea tucked away for the next journal.

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