I said, I like my life.


I said, I like my life. If I
have to give it back, if they
take it from me, let me
not feel I wasted any, let me
not feel…that I forgot
to give what I held in my hands,
that I forgot to do some little
piece of the work that wanted
to come through…

~ Marge Piercy,  excerpt from “If They Come in the Night”, Circles on the Water: Selected Poems

Notes: Poem – Thank you Beth at Alive on all Channels, Photo: Adeline Spengler, The Jump Touch the Sky, 2013 (via newthom)


29 thoughts on “I said, I like my life.

  1. I always say that if given the chance to do over, I’d make the same decisions I made throughout my life. A tweak here and there, but I’ve come out pretty happy, landing on my feet with good family and good friends. I hope you have too.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Loved reading the comments and your replies, David… especially Claudia’s comment.
    So many ups and downs we experience through life; but, if we can say, except for a tweak here and there the result is pretty good ~ we are doing OK, for sure… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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