Monday Morning Wake-Up Call (25 Secs)


15 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call (25 Secs)

  1. Awww…another one to see with the kids. My grandchildren start school again next week. Can you believe that we saw about 10 big screen movies together this summer? Friday has always been movie day, just those two and me. It’s been a great summer. 🙂

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      1. Yes, it was my first summer with them while Janie was working. I was able to put them into swim lessons all summer long and they’re now great swimmers (all in one summer!), Markie was in summer basketball league and he now knows a whole lot more about basketball, and Katie has been taking dance and singing lessons. Thursday was library day and Friday was movie day. It’s back to school time now…but Markie will be starting water polo in September since he became such a powerful swimmer, and Katie will be continuing with dance and singing. We all became the best of friends this summer and I’m so grateful for that. It’s a summer to remember. 🙂

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