To Find The Wild Within

If you have not visited, Go. JUST GO.

…All in the court of her majesty, Mother Nature. She chose this place to erect her monuments…

34 thoughts on “To Find The Wild Within

  1. Such a soul nourishing entry into my day. I have been to this magical place, but much too long ago. Time to plan another exploration. Thanks for the reminder David.

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  2. Such a gift, thank you…”natural abundance”, the gift of the natural earth, “the true currency of life”…I thrive within the beauty of the clean air, out among the trees…shortly I’ll be hiking along the river where the fern lilies bow and then across the native grass Oak Savannah, up along the mountain side trials abundant with the beauty of spring wildflowers, across foot bridges over the flowing streams, into the cover of the incense Cedars, Fir, (wondering if it is too early to be gifted with the Joy of the fairy slipper orchids) Alder, Ash climbing…then descending, emerging into the open then across the bridge where last time I lingered looking at the water lilies, which are early this year. I maybe be treated to them flowering this week! Meandering past the wood violets, the emerging bleeding hearts, cow parsnip and purple delphiniums, to come out further south along the river. I’ll follow the trial back, past the short, narrow gorge where the water flows, tumbling into the river…then to the car, refreshed…

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  3. Hiked Monday, instead, as an event was happening at the hiking spot on Sunday and I wanted to have solitude… the pond lilies have yet to flower….I did see some sweet Fairy slipper orchids, a few wild irises!! some larkspur, bleeding-hearts, trillium’s, fawn lilies, some shooting stars, some Camus and a few others. This year the blooming season is Early!

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