A little dazed perhaps (wow)

A little dazed perhaps…(right!)

24 thoughts on “A little dazed perhaps (wow)

    1. Yes, it was. But to see him/her stand up, wobble and shake – heartwarming. The video reminds me of a portion of a share in Steve Layman‘s post this morning:

      “the sublime is not in the prestigious and the lofty but in the everyday and the lowly. It is in the washing of feet, not in triumphal arches. Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled. Whoever humbles himself shall be exalted. One goes down in order to rise up. As Augustine put it, ‘Where there’s humility, there’s majesty; where there’s weakness, there’s might; where there’s death, there’s life. If you want to get these things, don’t disdain those.'”

      – David Brooks, as excerpted from his chapter, Ordered Love, in his book, The Road to Character

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  1. I’m sorry, but there’s GOT to be a better way! Poor little thing went down the mountainside like a ping pong ball. I’m with Mimi and Anneli–that descent was tough to bear…. We have turtle crossings and deer crossings here in the States–couldn’t we set up some sort of airlift program for these little tykes?! 😉

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