Miracle? All of it. 


“People standing on top of Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica. This is Antarctica’s largest ice shelf and is the size of France.” (Photographer: Sue Flood)

Post title inspired by Albert Einstein’s quote: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Source: invisiblestories


19 thoughts on “Miracle? All of it. 

  1. The scale so impressive. I rarely watch tv but I caught part of a show on Antarctica’, Sunday night. It was an education. they did speak to the change in the global climate. I didn’t know that Ukraine has a station, there. The beauty of Antarctica is breathtaking..The people who live, work and explore the vastness are adventurous. I don’t know how they handle the cold. Just think about how many different ways people live their lives around the globe…what might be common place to us is miraculous to others and visa vera… for me Life is full of Wonder..sometimes he still calls me the “Wonder Girl” or just plainly “Wonder” 🙂 It makes my Soul dance…

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