Look at me when I talking to you


“I’ve been finding it harder and harder to concentrate on words, sentences, paragraphs. Let alone chapters. Chapters often have page after page of paragraphs. It just seems such an awful lot of words to concentrate on, on their own, without something else happening. […]

When the people at the New Yorker can’t concentrate long enough to listen to a song all the way through, how are books to survive? […]

It makes me feel vaguely dirty, reading my phone with my daughter doing something wonderful right next to me, like I’m sneaking a cigarette. Or a crack pipe. […]

One time I was reading on my phone while my older daughter, the four-year-old, was trying to talk to me. I didn’t quite hear what she had said, and in any case… She grabbed my face in her two hands, pulled me towards her. “Look at me,” she said, “when I’m talking to you.” She is right. I should. […]

Spending time with friends, or family, I often feel a soul-deep throb coming from that perfectly engineered wafer of stainless steel and glass and rare earth metals in my pocket. Touch me. Look at me. You might find something marvelous. […]”

Hugh McGuire, Why Can’t We Read Anymore?

Don’t miss how McGuire changes and his explanation on why books are important.  Full post here.

Photo Source: Choi Moi

31 thoughts on “Look at me when I talking to you

  1. Yes, this does drive me crazy. Even at times where I don’t want to have a conversation I try really hard to pull myself away from what I am doing and give the person the attention they deserve.

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  2. So much to read so little time to comprehend. So much to hear so little time to listen. So much to say so little time to write it. To do some things good is better that doing just the big busy! Smell the roses and let our lives have true meaning. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This was a punch to the gut. I see this in public all the time–parents sacrificing precious time with children (or one another!) in favor of staring at a little glowing screen. It’s starting to really, really bother me….

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Poignant & telling…I am thankful that his child got his attention. She depends on him and he models to her, her importance to him and alas the world at large. He learned of the importance of being present and hands on in the life of his children. What he was doing when he was disengaged with his child is what I call “arm chair” parenting..

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  5. Reading is a great leisure time activity; if you have that time.
    But rather than reading someone else’s book, write your own. Do it by living a more selfless life for those who are a part of it. Allow your family and friends the attention they seek from you. Whether you think you have great value or not, the answer to that question is in their seeking you.
    Most novels have a hero. Your loved ones may likely be in need of one. Why not let it be you. From cover to cover the most important book you will come to know is written in your heart.

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  6. I got my first smart phone last week. At once, I feel like a “real” person and completely duped. My goal is to use it like I used my “dumb” phone–just with a bigger screen. I know this is foolish-talk, but I can hope.

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