T.G.I.F.: 1:55 min Dance to your Morning Commute

Smart, the company behind the original smart car, has devised a clever way to help pedestrians wait for the walk signal and keep the streets safer — a dancing traffic light. By projecting real movements from people nearby, the dancing traffic light entertains people at the intersection until it’s a safe time to cross the street. The company built the signal at an intersection in Lisbon, Portugal, earlier this summer. (Source: Mashable)

Can you keep your feet still?

Source: Weighty Matters


58 thoughts on “T.G.I.F.: 1:55 min Dance to your Morning Commute

      1. I think there are places that it would be a challenge. I did watch a video of traffic in Saigon without lights and it was easy to spot the outsiders. The people who lived there were comfortable with the flow and seemed to have a sense of what was happening.

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  1. I saw this yesterday and loved it!! I love the savvy insight to human nature and the totally innovative approach to our bad behaviors. We need more people like this in our world 🙂 (and yes, I would totally dance, even though I really don’t have any moves!)

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