Big Day? Be Brave.


Source: peacansandies

30 thoughts on “Big Day? Be Brave.

      1. Still trying to come to terms with it all –
        Gutted. I think Scotland has thrown away a real opportunity here. I can’t believe 55% of Scotland voted against our country taking control of its own affairs. Angry with the banks (who failed us with their greed) and we are still paying for it – angry with EU (they had concerns this would destabilise Catalonia) and USA (need the UK and it’s nuclear weapons to still be a partner with some influence) who by their comments interfered with the democratic process. In effect people were bullied by the corporate world. The YES campaign offered hope and opportunity – NO campaign was negative condescending and often patronising. In the end we will have our democratic right. We will get extra powers for out parliament – people will see out success and have no doubt that we would be far more successful as a small nation shaping our own future. It was close much closer than people think Glasgow our biggest city voted to leave the UK it was only the scaremongering by organisations like Deutche Bank who scared the elderly at the last minute that changed the course. If you look at the demographic vote breakdown – the haves voted No and the have nots (those in poverty or close to it who had nothing to loose voted for YES. In summary gutted still coming to terms.

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