Humanity Surfaces. All together now: Push.


A man got his leg wedged between the train and the platform while boarding a train in Perth, Australia on Tuesday.  Crowds grew, watching and then pushed against the side of the train, tilting the train car so the man could free his leg.  People clapped when the man’s leg was freed, and the train was on its way a few minutes later. The man’s injuries aren’t believed to be serious. (See full video here at ABC News.)

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43 thoughts on “Humanity Surfaces. All together now: Push.

  1. Saw this on the news before heading of to work. left a tear in my eyes. We need more of these good news stories to show the good side of humanity


  2. I too saw this on the news and watched in amazement as this mass of humanity figuratively moved a mountain for one man. And I was touched and proud – renews some of my faith in the ability of people to just work for a common good.


  3. i love this and it’s where my aussie family takes the train when near perth. the power of humanity to help another is amazing. kind of like your homeless man by the side of the road post. the man who got stuck took the next train out and was fine.


  4. Thank goodness someone alleged the engineer before the train to off! It’s amazing and inspiring to see how people rallied together and formed a plan so quickly.


  5. Hi Friend
    I love stories that show we do still care at the heart. I had a similar but no where on his level, experience. I worked for a company building a hotel, we were only allowed to use commercial elevators. They where famous for breaking down. Because so many people took those elevators it could take ten minutes to get one. A very full one opened I decided to get on, right as I was entering, the elevator crashed three stories with the door open. People were grabbing my arms, it was scary. We hit the basement so hard it knocked the wind out of you. I was fine, all I could do was sit around the corner leaning against the wall taking in what happened. I don’t want to think what would happen if they didn’t grab my arms. My boss didn’t get on and thought I was dead somewhere. I had so many elevators stories. Have a great weekend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Doesn’t even cross my mind. I was in my crazy twenty’s , don’t remember much of due to drugs. I remember the alarms, crawling out the top, getting my arms stuck try to keep it open. Crazy times. Hope you’re well today. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

          1. David-
            You continue to amaze me. I haven’t told another man I love them since taking my vow. I love you….what you are on the inside, what you are on the out. Your humanity, giving heart, love for music, even though you say you’re not a music person really. Today’s post, Contemporary Choirs blows my mind for several reasons, one you had me… listening to choir music and wanting more. Only you David can do that to me. I realized today, it may not be the music moving you…’s the story behind. I had to work hard not to cry hearing about the charity event. You have an amazing sense of humor….. the next day show a photo so seductive yet hidden in the backdrop. You love life, I can feel that….what else could a person want than to be felt. You kick my ass some days….like today as I’m crying to the amazing story of integrating cancer patients thru the love of music…again not the music…..the story. Now at 51….I can enjoy the invisible…..what would have past me by at a much younger age. I don’t know how close we are in age, from you photo we’re not to far apart on either side…..maybe that’s why we get it. Have a great Sunday. Know I’m reading even when I don’t drop by. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Awwww, what a wonderful comment, thank you so much for your kind words. You made my day. (maybe month even). 🙂 I’m a whisker older than you are. Thanks again, I smiled reading your words and likely will come back to them often as an inspiration.


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