Yep, you’re addicted

49 Signs You’re Addicted To Reading by Koty Neelis:

1) …People are cool but reading is your preferred social activity.

8) You carry a book with you at all times because you never know when you’ll have a spare minute to do some extra reading.

16) You legitimately don’t understand people who say they don’t read.

25) You honestly can’t think of a better way to spend a Sunday than reading a book and drinking coffee or tea.

29) You buy more books even if you have a stack of books that haven’t been read yet.

Read all 49 signs your addicted @ 49 Signs You’re Addicted To Reading

Photograph: weheartit

32 thoughts on “Yep, you’re addicted

  1. so funny, and in online dating and someone sends me a note, i look at their profile and one of the questions is, ‘do you enjoy reading?’ if they say no, i am a bit turned off immediately, i know that’s book crazy, but i can’t help it, such a book lover am i, and i think to myself, ‘oh, he’ll never get me. )


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