Welcome to 4 a.m.


Welcome to 4 a.m.

Where we lie in limbo,
waiting for the sun to come up,
the moon to go down,
the median between life
and whats left of the dark decay of lifelessness.
Where Your eyes open wide,
where your thoughts wander into the void of the infinite.
Where we wait to see the beginning,
the middle,
and the end.

~ Unknown

Photography: Hengki Koentjoro (Ocean Streak, Jogjakarta – Java, June 10, 2014) via Elinka. Poem from Wordsnquotes.

16 thoughts on “Welcome to 4 a.m.

  1. Beautiful and a little dark (well, it is still dark)…Good morning my friend…have a little coffee – it will brighten the world view. Even at 4AM.


  2. WMS. This description IS a bit somber, but I have to say there’s something about this hour of the day that I find compelling. It’s like someone hit the ‘pause’ button….


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