10 Guaranteed Steps to Leadership Excellence


  1. Be strategic. Be Tactical. Be a firefighter.
  2. Push for productivity. For excellence. Pull. Pull with PURPOSE.
  3. Set pace. Drive. Pause. Stop. Change. BALANCE.
  4. Build Relationships. CARE. Keep adequate distance.
  5. Learn. Coach. Nurture. Correct.
  6. Hire. Upgrade. Right-size. Fire. (sigh)
  7. Lead. Manage. Own. Delegate. Follow. Release.
  8. Show Strength. Be Resilient. Be Tough. Be Fair. Be compassionate. Admit weakness.
  9. Cheer. Rally. Celebrate. Recognize. Recover.  Regroup. INSPIRE.
  10. Be on. Be on. Be on. Be on. Be on. Be on. Be on. Be on. Be on. BE ON.


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30 thoughts on “10 Guaranteed Steps to Leadership Excellence

      1. I was the office manager for a research group at UC Berkeley at one time. I remember the demands and the exhaustion…and I’m actually glad that fate decided to remove me from all of that and force me to just be a mom….which has also been demanding and exhausting, but sooooooooo rewarding.


  1. Great list – I would add, ‘be yourself’ and ‘laugh’ – take your work seriously, take yourself lightly. The list is so intense – and there has to be some place in the day to modulate the stress. Either that, or everyone dies younger than they should.


  2. Interesting advice stack, David. I wonder if Philippe Petit would recognize it. Is the list associated with him? He is completely disciplined when planning to do the impossible. Yet he is first of all I think a visionary who may use methods that would surprise us. What do you think, David?


    1. I LOVED the moved Frank. I think Philippe Petit is playing at a different level. Not sure he would/could function in corporate life despite his ability to perform the impossible. Brilliant man. Amazing accomplishments. Corporate life, not sure the methods would fly.


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