The air gold and so clean it quivers


“I remember it as October days are always remembered, cloudless, maple-flavored, the air gold and so clean it quivers.”

~ Leif Enger, Peace Like a River 

“In 2002, Peace Like a River was a National Bestseller and hailed as one of the year’s top five novels by Time, and selected as one of the best books of the year by nearly all major newspapers.” If you haven’t read this wonderful book, it is worth your time. Find it here.

Credits: Thank you Dan @ Your Eyes Blaze Out for the quote. Photograph: micspics444 @ flicker.

23 thoughts on “The air gold and so clean it quivers

  1. I read it, too, enjoy being reminded of his eloquence. Coincidentally, I am in Montreal at the moment, celebrating the Canadian Thanksgiving with friends and the days are exactly as Leif Enter describes. Such a treat for this Floridian!


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