
diet,exercise,weight loss, fat,funny,true

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38 thoughts on “Valid

  1. So very true! Anticipation of the quarter pounder always overshadowed by the incredible regret you have post consumption. This does not, however, hold true with vanilla shakes, or any of their ice cream products. You can also legitimize a fruit smoothie until you actually look at the calorie count, but it doesn’t have the same sting as the burger. Yes I have a five-year-old. Yes, we go there too much.


      1. Um…not to quote one of my favorite bloggers EVER – but, I must “come on, cut [him] some slack…It’s not where you start it’s where you finish, right?” RIGHT???


  2. Giggling and shaking my head. I can fully embrace many of your indulgences, pal, and be right there with ya (chocolate, caramel, that damned Italian popcorn), but fast food leaves me COLD.


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