Just for a little while

black and white, photography,freckles

Just for a little while, stop thinking about all the problems, crises, tasks. everything that’s pulling and pushing on us. Be in that quiet space.  After all these years, some of us still need permission to let go.

~ Melody Beattie

Image Credit: Nowandthan

8 thoughts on “Just for a little while

  1. Sadly, this is so true. Sometimes when I’m under the weather and forced to stay in bed, I discover that “quiet space,” — I allow myself to just “be” and do whatever I feel like doing–read, doze–or NOT doing as the case may be. And then I’m struck by the lunacy of the fact that I have to be immobilized by illness before I’ll give myself permission to “step out of the stream” for a moment. How crazy is that?! Thx for the reminder David. It’s a GORGEOUS day here today–I feel great, and I’m just gonna let go. I’m turtling, pal, as soon as I get home from the gym…. 😉


    1. Interesting story Lori, I’ve had similar experiences (when I under the weather)..and coming to same conclusion. (And I wish you hadn’t dropped the last line about going to the gym, arrrgggggghhhhh)


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