Morning After Long Weekend

Grab your watch.  How long before you do too?

Yawns from Everynone on Vimeo.

20 thoughts on “Morning After Long Weekend

  1. You’re made of tougher stuff than me, M–I yawned a soon as I looked at the still–it was like someone smacked my funny bone–involuntary. :-/. Had never watched so many yawns in quick succession before; such an odd “gesture.” Happy Tuesday! 🙂


  2. The boy with the book on his head made me laugh. They were all funny. Can’t say I ever saw a turtle yawn before…..or an owl!


  3. I didn’t yawn but I had to really concentrate. I know that if someone else in the room yawns, I’m usually next. And now that I’ve relaxed and have stopped concentrating, just before clicking “Post Comment,” guess what I did… (oh…y…a…w…n!)


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