
birds flyingbirds flyingbirds flyingbirds flying

Everyone onceonce only.  Just once and no more.
And we also once.  Never again.  But this having been
once, although only once, to have been of the earth,
seems irrevocable.

—Rainer Maria Rilke

For 20 children and 6 adults in an elementary school in Newtown, CT, “Once” has proven to be shockingly short.  Peace be with them and their families.

Sources: Image – amorecheiro. Quote: A Poet Reflects.

23 thoughts on “Once

  1. I cannot even begin to understand why people do these things. What horrible pain to the parents who lost their children today and the trauma to those who remain. May the Lord grant them peace and strength particularly during this holiday season.


  2. Cannot for the life of me comprehend how someone could assess his options and conclude that, “Yes, mowing down a bunch of innocent young school children is the best course of action.” Such a heavy heart this evening for the many families who are mourning such an unspeakable loss this evening…


  3. Unspeakable horror. There are no words. I watched CNN for 20 minutes and couldn’t stop crying. My prayers for all the families and everyone else who is touched by this tragedy.


  4. I woke up with the same ache in my heart with which I closed yesterday. The randomness of ‘once’, the arbitrary, frightening side of timing, life and the unaswerable ‘why’..Thank you for posting this.


  5. This is shocking – no words – sadness… Your citation of R.M.Rilke is awesome. Thank you for sharing – I have been off this weekend and did not hear about it before. 😦


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