T.G.I.F.: Long Week? Let’s Play!

sport, bounce, fun, laugh, funny, balloon bounce, ball

Source: Thank you creatingaquietmind

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33 thoughts on “T.G.I.F.: Long Week? Let’s Play!

  1. Ohmagosh, what a hoot! Mimi’s right, that *does* look like fun. Of course, I also think zipping on one of those Velcro suits and being launched through the air towards a “sticky wall” looks like a riot, too, so I’m not sure how much weight to give my opinion..l. 😉


    1. The entire concept of slamming into a wall, velcro or no velcro, seems a bit off to me. But then again, I can see why you would be a fan – lady who walks up infinite stairs for exercise.


  2. Trying to imagine what this feels like – not having much success – but it’s good for a laugh! Happy weekend 🙂


      1. I saw a little kid pull a plastic bag over his head once. His mom was nowhere in sight so I ran over to take it off him. Very scary for a few moments. That’s why this popped into my head as soon as I saw the plastic bubble toy.


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