TGIF! Security Cameras Don’t Just Capture Crime, They Capture Life

Great TGIF share from Todd…short heart warming clip to ease you into your weekend…enjoy!

Bright, shiny objects!

What a great way to end the week! One of the best videos I’ve seen in a long time…

FinerMinds via TGIF! Security Cameras Don’t Just Capture Crime, They Capture Life.

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20 thoughts on “TGIF! Security Cameras Don’t Just Capture Crime, They Capture Life

  1. This is terrific…I appreciate the unsung heroes, and identify with the guy singing into the mop..I do that – with hairbrushes, mops, a broom, my toothbrush…Fortunately, I remain invisible so no one who reads this will ever be able to identify me…Happy weekend!!


  2. Love the video. Awesome way to end not just the week but the teaching year.
    I even know the music – and like it! There was a window – teens and early 20s- when I did listen to popular music.
    I even saw Supertramp LIVE in concert 🙂


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