Stanford U research suggests I should be operating at the Winston Churchill level…

guilt v shame

Winston Churchill?  Well, not exactly.  Stanford Graduate School of Business research suggests that people prone to guilt tend to feel a strong sense of responsibility to others…and were considered the strongest leaderswhile shame-prone people tend to be less engaged.  On the guilt-o-meter, I’m a screaming 10 out of 10.  So, if you’re with me on topping the Guilt Charts – – cut yourself some slack.  You are in fine leadership company. 🙂

The full article can be found at Plagued by Guilt? You May Be Management Material.

Here’s a few excerpts:

People prone to guilt tend to feel a strong sense of responsibility to others–a valuable trait in a leader

Guilty people typically feel remorse about their actions and try to rectify the situation.

Shame-prone people, on the other hand, typically feel bad about themselves and tend to hide from the error. 

Guilty people may “feel more responsible to each other and they are good at getting jobs done

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13 thoughts on “Stanford U research suggests I should be operating at the Winston Churchill level…

  1. I’ve always thought that shame and pride go hand in hand. If you don’t feel shame, you can’t feel pride (assuming we’re comparing apples to apples). Small example: If I don’t feel pride in doing my best in school, I don’t feel shame in not giving it my best. Maybe not the best example, but I’ve found that often these two feelings are closely related.


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