A great life…well-lived days strung together like a necklace of pearls

A life of greatness is not reserved for the chosen few: women and men with perfect skin, flawless teeth and a royal pedigree. There are no extra human beings on the planet and every single one of us, I deeply believe, can choose to create a life of greatness and extraordinary meaning. It all comes down to Small Daily Acts of Greatness (SDAG). I have been teaching this principle and the impact has been profound. Essentially, a great life is nothing more than a series of great, well-lived days strung together like a necklace of pearls.

As you live your days, so you create your life. The point really is: if you show up fully each and every day and play your best game during the waking hours of each one of your days, you will be guaranteed an extraordinary life. If you improve your health or your relationships or your professional knowledge only 1% each day, after one month this will amount to a 30% increase. After one year this will amount to a 365% increase. By devoting yourself to continuous improvement and excellence in minor ways each day, your life really can transform.

To me, the Small Daily Acts of Greatness concept is very powerful. It means that – to live our best lives – we do not need to make a giant transformation. Instead, we need to only focus on getting a little bit better each and every day (in every dimension of our life). I invite you to consider that if you do not play your biggest game as a human being and realize your highest potential, you will be betraying yourself. And at the end of your life, I do believe, that nothing so breaks your heart than realizing that you have used only a tiny segment of your human potential. There can be no happiness if there is a giant gap between the person you were meant to be and the person that you currently are. To close this gap, do small things well each day. Develop your intellectual base a little bit more. Be more loving. Be more innovative. Take more risks. Develop deeper relationships. And dream even 1% more. Your great days will lead you to your great life.

~ Robin Sharma

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21 thoughts on “A great life…well-lived days strung together like a necklace of pearls

  1. We have all been given a gift and a purpose in life it is our job to discover that gift and use it to benefit mankind, When we are fulfilling our purpose using our gift or gifts our lives are full of joy and peace. Thank you for your post.



  2. Thank you for sharing this post! It is very easy to let your days slip away and not realize that you haven’t fully engaged yourself in each one. Looking back at the moments you could of made a change or lived more purposefully but didn’t, will most likely lead to regret. I enjoyed this post immensely and would love to share this on my blog!


  3. I love the SDAG concept and try to practice it daily. Sharma’ s latest book is a great read. Awesome blog to get you thinking on a Sunday and to get you ready for the week!!


  4. You write, “If you improve your health or your relationships or your professional knowledge only 1% each day, after one month this will amount to a 30% increase. After one year this will amount to a 365% increase.” THANK YOU. So often, I get frustrated and upset because I have not improved far enough and fast enough. However, if I look at it in this context, just a minor improvement results in vast improvement over time. So thank you for this post.


  5. Reblogged this on findingmyworth and commented:
    Small Daily Acts of Greatness…a concept more powerful then we realize. I live by the idea of baby steps. I learned that if I move to fast I often times end up retreating back into myself. If I take babysteps though I tend to be more apt to stick with the change in my life. This is a great post.


  6. Being more loving and dreaming 1% more each day really do it for me. These two practices provide the fuel to perform the other tasks such as stretching my intellect.


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