4:45am. And, Inspired…

Good Wednesday morning.  Two missions today: sharing inspiring posts of the week from my favorite bloggers and blogger award nominations.

Mindful Diary with her post “Random Act Of Kindness.” “…in the middle of eating and making pancakes, my 4-year old son says, mummy let’s give some pancakes with strawberry jam to Sonja (our 86-year-old neighbor)

Blurb My Enthusiasm with her post “Don’t Should on Yourself“” “…I really should have done my laundry yesterday, but I didn’t. I also should have gotten my MBA, eaten healthier in the last few weeks, and put the kiddie pool away before it left a big, brown circle on my lawn. I should have done a lot of things in the past 20+ years, but I didn’t. I also have a lot of regrets and guilt, the results of a lifetime of ‘should haves.’ What is it with this word ‘should’ that makes us all so miserable?

MindfulStew with his post “Striving for Balance–Enforcing Work Boundaries”  “…There are thousands and thousands of people out there leading lives of quiet screaming desperation where they work long, hard hours at jobs they hate, to enable them to buy things that they need to impress people they don’t like…” 

And now, on to the awards nominations…

Thank you to my blogger friend Sarah Potter @ SarahPotterWrites for her Sunshine Award nomination. I’d like to “pay it forward” and nominate the following 10 bloggers for the “Sunshine Award”:

sunshine-award (1)

If you choose to accept the award (absolutely no obligation – just consider this as a thank you for your great work), the rules are: (1) Link back to the person who nominated you, (2) Post the award image to your page.  (3) Tell seven facts about yourself (4) Nominate 5-10 other blogs, (5) Let them know they are nominated. Congratulations!

And the Hump Day Inspiring Image of the Week from Mona Howard at Ramblings:

Image Source:give-in-to-me (sunrise)

29 thoughts on “4:45am. And, Inspired…

  1. I love your Wednesday posts. They are reflective surely of the tremendous affection and respect that people have for you & informs us of other blogs that should be given our attention in the generous way you pay it forward. Too bad Pink already wrote “I’m A Rock Star”…though you are one too (ok, your hair probably isn’t platinum, and I can’t picture you in really high heels, an outrageous costume and a lot of tattoos…but still).


  2. Thanks for the nomination David… now if I only had your energy and could thus update my pages every day! Alas, caring for my wife (now paralyzed through MS) for 25 years takes it’s toll.

    However, I’m luckier than many in this world because I have an open mind and fairly good eyes… so no more excuses… I’ll start to update “iSee… iSnap…” this week and write a new story (should that be experience?) every few days. The images are selling, so I may as well blow the old trumpet! ;~)


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